Energy renovation of buildings in brochure's and video

Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning expert team designed and made the brochure on energy renovation of public and residential buildings, and our basic idea was to highlight successful energy renovation projects within our two Calls, “Energy renovation of multi-apartment buildings” and “Energy renovation of buildings and use of renewable energy sources in public institutions performing educational activities”.

We sought to cover projects from across the Republic of Croatia. We singled out one private sector project from each county based on various criteria, while energy renovation of residential buildings projects was selected on basis of multiple criteria, such as total project value, amount of grants, number of households, but equally important was the overall success of the beneficiaries.

The brochure’s show an overview of statistics of selected private and residential energy renovation projects, statements from beneficiaries and other interesting information.  

Besides the brochures we also had the idea of creating two videos showcasing some of our biggest and most successful energy renovation projects, both in private and residential sector. Out of 871 signed agreements for energy renovation of public buildings and 584 signed agreements for energy renovation of residential buildings, we decided to single out three buildings for each video.

Our brochures and videos can be seen on links below. Enjoy!

News | Information | Energy renovation - ESI Funds