Two energy renovation projects from Croatia showcased at REDay 2019

During the European Week of Cities and Regions 2019, REDday 2019 took place on October 8, 2019 in European Parliament, making it ninth in a row as part of the RENOVATE EUROPE campaign. Head of Sector for European union Projects, International and EU Affairs Ines Androić Brajčić participated at the event where two Croatian projects, among other, were showcased.

Renova Europe is a political communication campaign established with an initiative to reduce the energy demand of the building stock in the EU by 80% by 2050, in order to reach nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) standard by mid-century. Energy renovation of buildings is the most efficient tool in the fight against climate change and it can greatly benefit the EU meet its objectives under the Paris Agreement. REDay 2019 was also an opportunity to showcase the best practice examples in Europe, and it is with pleasure that we can highlight two Croatian energy renovation projects which were presented, Kindergarten Ciciban in Velika Gorica and improved energy performance project of General Hospital in Karlovac.

Kindergarten was renovated withing the Call 4c1.3 'Energy renovation of buildings and use of renewable energy sources in public institutions performing educational activities' published by MCPP. Total project value is over HRK 4,7 million, while total grants from ERDF amount to over HRK 1,6 million. After energy renovation the building is achieving over 75% energy savings and it shifter from energy class E to B.

The other project presented is renovation of General Hospital building in Karlovac as part of the Energy renovation of public sector buildings Program for the period 2014-2015 (ESCO model), implemented by the Agency for legal transactions and real estate mediation (APN). Four buildings were renovated through project implementation, and by energy renovation energy consumption was reduced by 53,46% and buildings shifted from energy class G to D.

Republic of Croatia is actively implementing energy renovation of building projects, hence contributing to achieving EU goals such as decarbonization of energy systems, increasing the ratio of renewable energy sources and investment in nZEB standards.

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