Conference: „Sustainable energy development in Velika Gorica City“

In early June 2019, as part of the Sustainable Construction Energy Week, City Office for Environmental Protection of Velika Gorica in cooperation with Croatian Green Building Council organized the conference: “Sustainable energy development in Velika Gorica City”.

Target audience for this conference were representatives of legal entities whose enterprise are located around City of Velika Gorica and whose activities are related to this issue, as well as representatives of multi-apartment buildings and representatives of city districts and local boards. On this occasion numerous projects from Velika Gorica were presented to the public concerning sustainable energy development and green construction. The goal of the conference was to familiarize the public about this matter, but to also gain publics support in promoting sustainable energy development policies in Velika Gorica.

Holding a presentation at the conference on nZeb and energy renovation of buildings and financing possibilities with a focus on projects in Velika Gorica was the Head of Sector for EU programmes, International and EU Affairs, Ines Androić Brajčić. Andorić Brajčić used the occasion to talk about successful projects in the Velika Gorica area which were awarded nearly HRK 70 million in grants from ERDF for energy renovation of buildings but also to talk about MCPP’s future plans on sustainable and urban development according to EU goals for Green Europe.

A panel discussion called “Velika Gorica – city of potential and successful examples in buildings and sustainable mobility” was held after the conference.

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