More than 90% of allocation from ERDF reserved for energy renovation of buildings

Since 2015, the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning has announced five Calls for co-financing of energy renovation of public and residential buildings from European Structural and Investment Funds. Out of the total € 311 million available under the OPCC 2014-2020 are for energy renovation of public and residential buildings, by the signed Agreements under the last Call for energy renovation of public buildings a total of 90% of the allocation has been reserved.

It is for this Call, for which the allocation available from the ERDF amounted to HRK 380 million, that the minister of construction and physical planning passed twice a Decision on allocation increase. Due to the successful applications and the high number of quality project proposals received, the allocation has been increased to the amount of HRK 1.15 billion.

Following all the Calls announced to date, more than 1400 agreements have been signed on the award of grants for energy renovation of public and residential buildings, whereby energy efficiency of almost 17 000 households has been increased, numerous educational institutions for almost 70 000 children have been renovated, and currently more than 1200 hospitals, schools, nursery schools and gymnasiums are under renovation as well.

The register of Agreements, Calls for energy renovation of public buildings, can be followed on the following websites:, htpp:// and
