Experts on Territorial Cohesion and Urban Development in Zagreb

On 25 and 26 February 2020, Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning has, within the framework of Croatian Presidency of the Council of EU, held expert level Informal meetings for Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points – NTCCP and Urban Development Group – UDG at the National and University Library in Zagreb.

Meetings were attended by 70 delegates from EU member states, European Commission representatives, and representatives from organizations like UNECE, EUROCITIES, URBACT, ESPON EGTC, EUKN EGTC, ECTP-CEU, CoR, CEMR, and EIB. Key tasks of the meetings were document and decision preparation for the upcoming Informal meetings of Directors General on Territorial Cohesion – DGTC and Directors General on Urban Matters – DGUM, which will be held on 27 and 28 April 2020 in Zagreb.

At the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) meeting discussion was held on Territorial Agenda 2020 revision and its content, Territorial Agenda 2030 which will be adopted during the German Presidency of the Council of EU in the second half of 2020. There was also discussion about research results on the needs and experiences in implementing the Territorial Agenda 2020; research was initiated at EU level during the Finish Presidency of the Council of EU. Also, discussion was held on the implemented pilot activities, communication plan drafts and the partnerships format to implement the Territorial Agenda 2030.

The Urban development Group (UDG) discussed the future of the Urban Agenda for the EU and the future of the partnerships of the Urban Agenda for the EU and the continuation of their work. The representatives of the upcoming DE PRES 2020 also presented the latest version of the new Leipzig Charter, a new strategic document for the development of sustainable cities in the European Union.

Specific themes of the Ministry within HR PRES 2020, Green Infrastructure in Urban Areas and Circular Management of Spaces and Buildings, which will be prepared at the national level through the Green Infrastructure in Urban Areas Development Programme and the Circular Management of Spaces and Buildings Development Programme, were presented by the Head of the Sector for European Union Projects, International and EU Affairs, Ines Androić Brajčić.

More photographs from the NTCCP and UDG meetings can be found HERE.

Photo: Igor Kralj/PIXSELL/EU2020HR

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