Minister Horvat took over the area of physical planning, construction and state assets and announced his first move

Today, a handover was made at the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets betweenthe new minister Darko Horvat and former minister Predrag Štromar. Minister Horvat was presented with areport on the work of the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning during the previous term of office.

Ensuring a roof over their head for young people, accelerating the permitting processes through digitisation and absorbing as many EU funds for energy reconstruction as possible, strengthening the construction sector, while protecting the area, were the main projects within the term of office of minister Štromar.

Owing to our measures, 21 thousand young families have their own home, many hospitals, schools, kindergartens and residential buildings have been reconstructed, we have prepared energy renovation of houses, and a call for citizens will soon be announced. We managed to abolish unnecessary levies, to simplify and cheapen permitting through digitisation, and I am confident that this project will continue. We have to introduce reforms and disregard old habits, as this is a precondition for our country to develop, said Predrag Štromar.
Minister Horvat thanked the minister for his quality cooperation in the previous period, and immediately announced that the proposal of the Act on Reconstruction of Earthquake-amaged Buildings in the Area of Zagreb, Krapina-Zagorje and Zagreb County will be on the agenda at today's session - the first in this term of office - of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

- We don't have time to wait, because there are already great challenges ahead of us that we are ready to deal with. I would like to thank my colleague Štromar for everything that has been  done in the preparation of this Act, which will be one of the government's top priorities in the coming period. Already today we are going to submit the bill to Parliament , and I expect a high-quality and constructive discussion on it next week. We will do everything to bring people back to their homes as soon as possible, and to reconstruct the buildings and houses primarily for the safety of all our citizens, said Horvat, emphasising that we should be aware that the implementation of the reconstruction programme under the Act will be a process that will last for years.

Minister Horvat announced that he would continue with projects that proved good, such as energy renovation and subsidies for housing loans for young people. Furthermore, considering the merging of individual ministries, tasks will be taken over from the state property sector, for which there is already a vision and a work plan.

- There are two things on which we will place emphasis in the segment of state property management in the coming term. On the one hand, being someone who comes from the economic sector, I wish to put all inactive assets at the disposal of entrepreneurs and give them the opportunity to take over, renew, use and, in the long run, to buy them under favourable conditions. Secondly, we will consider the option of selling all state shares in those companies where the state has no influence on making business decisions, concluded Horvat.
