APN receives 310 new applications for housing loan subsidies

(Hina) - The Croatian Real Estate Agency (APN) on Monday started receiving applications for housing loan subsidies as part of its fifth public call, with banks submitting 310 applications from their clients.

APN director Dragan Hristov said 3,000-4,000 applications for housing loan subsidies were expected this time, noting that since the start of the scheme, in 2017, around HRK 240 million in housing loan subsidies had been allocated, mostly in Zagreb.

Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets Minister Darko Horvat said that he was glad more and more real estate was being sought in Zagreb suburbs, Zagreb County and in rural areas.

He said that the amount of subsidies for housing loans for the remainder of this year would amount to some HRK 10 million, while for next year it would amount to HRK 160-180 million.

The minister expressed confidence the scheme would continue in 2022 and 2023 as well.

More than 13,000 applications for housing loan subsidies have been approved since the introduction of this scheme, and more than 1,750 children have been born into families that have applied for it.

Applications may be submitted by people under the age of 45 who do not own a house or an apartment, and their housing loans are subsidised for the first five years of the loan payment period.

News | Information | Subsidisation of housing loans