Horvat says Vandjelic right choice for acting director of Reconstruction Fund

(Hina) - Construction Minister Darko Horvat said on Thursday that the appointment of Damir Vandjelic as acting chairman of the fund for the post-earthquake reconstruction of Zagreb and two neighbouring counties was the right choice.

Speaking ahead of a cabinet meeting, Horvat confirmed media reports that the government would appoint manager Vandjelic to this position.

Horvat praised this 52-year-old executive for his excellent managerial and communication skills, and said that he had first met Vandjelic ten years ago when he had proposed him for a member of INA's supervisory board.

The minister dismissed the speculation that Vandjelic's appointment was part of the ruling party's plan to nominate Vandjelic as its mayoral candidate in local elections next spring.

All the discussions about Vandjelic as the candidate of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) for mayor of Zagreb is the confirmation to us that we have made the right choice, Horvat said.
