4,150 applications for subsidised housing loans approved in 2019

(Hina) - The government on Wednesday endorsed a report on the implementation of the law on subsidised housing loans in 2019, when 4,159 housing subsidy applications were filed.

Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets Minister Darko Horvat said that in line with a public call for housing subsidy applications of 10 September 2019, the Croatia Real Estate Agency (APN) received 4,260 applications.

Of that number, 4,150 were granted, 39 denied, and 71 were scrapped by the applicants, Horvat said.

Last year APN received another 254 applications for subsidised housing loans, 47 of which were for additional subsidising due to disability and 207 due to the birth or adoption of a child, he said, adding that all applications were approved.

From September 2017, when the first call for housing subsidies was advertised, to 31 December 2019, 9,329 applications were approved.

During that time, more than 1,500 children were born in families who were granted subsidised housing, entitling them to two more years of subsidies per child.

A total of HRK 117.4 million from the state budget was paid for subsidised housing in 2017, 2018 and 2019, Horvat said, adding that two calls for applications were advertised this year.

News | From media | Subsidisation of housing loans