The Spatial Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia is a fundamental national document for guiding the spatial development. Based on established core values of the Croatian territory and the spatial development management system, as well as the substantiated state and trends, it defines general objectives of spatial development up to 2030, starting points, priorities, guidelines and implementation framework.
The competent authority for the development of the Strategy was the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, while the draft was prepared by the Croatian Institute for Spatial Development expert team. Members of the Croatian Parliament unanimously adopted it at the plenary session held on 13 October 2017.
In order to achieve balanced and sustainable development, raise the quality of life and mitigate negative demographic processes, the postulates of the concept of spatial development are:
- affirmation of polycentricity,
- mitigating of the depopulation rate of the most vulnerable areas,
- preservation of the identity of the Croatian territory,
- taking advantage of the favorable traffic position within main international traffic routes,
- sustainable development of the economy and infrastructure systems,
- connecting with the European space,
- integrated approach to physical planning and
- active adaptation to the dynamics of change.
During the development of the Strategy, the procedure of strategic assessment of the impact of the Strategy on the environment was carried out, along with the main assessment of acceptability of the Strategy for the ecological network. A public consultation on the Strategy proposal was carried out, as well as a public discussion on the Strategic study on the impact of the Strategy and the Strategy proposal.