European conference on Architectural Policies Re-use architecture

The central theme of this conference will be sustainable urban development and urban renewal focused on various aspects of the use or reuse of urban tissue.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the earthquake that hit Zagreb in March 2020 followed by new earthquakes with the epicenter in the Sisak-Moslavina County, showed all the vulnerability of physical space and the need to increase the resilience of cities to contemporary challenges. At the same time, they strengthened our intention to contribute to the consideration of these issues by organizing a virtual conference.
The conference is organized with the aim of gathering experts who, by sharing their experiences, can be an inspiration for future actions on urban renewal and recovery of affected areas, as well as increasing their resilience, and is thematically focused on questions of rehabilitation and revitalization, activation of degraded, abandoned and overlooked areas, reuse of neglected zones or individual structures, as well as their circular management.
The results of the European cooperation on defining the quality criteria of architecture and built space and a review of available sources of financing will certainly contribute to the creation of architectural policies of the Republic of Croatia for the future period.
The conference is organized as two half-day events, and is intended for architects and spatial planners, policy makers at all levels, other interested experts, as well as the general public.
There is no registration fee, while the participation for members of the Croatian Chamber of Architects and the Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers is validated as part of the system of continuous professional development.


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