Lika-Senj County takes over state assets cases

(Hina) - State Assets Minister Branko Bačić in Gospić on Friday handed over to Lika-Senj County head Ernest Petry state assets cases whose management will be decided by the county.

These are the first of 17,000 cases being transferred to counties and cities to deal with following the adoption of a new law on state assets management.

The aim is to improve the management and activate unused state properties, the ministry said. Decentralising management will facilitate the solving of property rights relations pertaining to state properties in order to realise infrastructure and development projects as well as investments. Sixty percent of the revenue from property management will go to the state, 20% to counties and 20% to local government units.

Bačić and Petry then visited Lički Osik, where ten buildings with 92 flats have been reconstructed, including energy renovation, for €2.9 million.

Bačić said the reconstruction was funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and the state budget.

The reconstruction prevents energy poverty in households which spend over 10% of their income on energy.

Bačić announced for the end of 2025 the completion of the renovation of 387 buildings which used to be state or socially owned in previously war-hit areas. The renovation costs €47 million.

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