Third open stakeholder dialogue held in Zagreb

On April 29, 2019, the Third open stakeholder dialogue was held at the Hotel International in Zagreb, focusing on modern solutions and rules of fire safety and protection against intense seismic activity risks, that should be applied during the energy renovation of buildings. As a part of this event, the joining-in of new stakeholders continued by their signing of the Charter on co-operation towards decarbonised building stock by 2050.

The open stakeholder dialogue has brought together numerous representatives of state administration and local self-government authorities, the academic community and the professional public, the construction and energy sectors and accompanying industries.
With the goal of creating a wide network of experts who are ready for a joint dialogue and contribution to the decarbonisation of the existing building stock until 2050, the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning has initiated the Open stakeholder dialogue and prepared the Charter on co-operation towards decarbonised building stock by 2050, by the signing of which the signatories symbolically become stakeholders. 
The contents of the Charter on co-operation towards decarbonised building stock by 2050 refers to the achievement of energy and climate goals at national and EU level through decarbonisation of the building stock, renovation of buildings and construction of nearly zero-energy buildings. It raises awareness of the importance of additional greenhouse gas emission reductions, increasing the share of renewable energy sources, improving energy security, and introducing innovation and smart technologies that enable buildings to contribute to the overall decarbonisation of the economy. By signing the Charter, continuous cooperation is enhanced to develop a long-term renovation strategy to support the renovation of the national building stock and the transition to the construction standard of nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB).
The participants of the Third open stakeholders dialogue were welcomed by State Secretary Željko Uhlir, M.Sc., and presentations were delivered by Željana Zovko, Anđelka Toto-Ormuž, Assist.Prof. Marija Jelčić Rukavina, D.Sc., Cecilia Hugony and Assist.Prof. Zvonko Sigmund, D.Sc. 
Two panel discussions were held as part of this event.
The First open stakeholder dialogue was held at the Westin Hotel in Zagreb on September 27, 2018 as a side event of the international conference Energy Efficiency in Buildings - for a Better Tomorrow. The Second open stakeholder dialogue was held at the Hotel Panorama in Zagreb on February 1, 2019 and the topic was how to define the criteria for energy poverty. 
The Third open stakeholder dialogue was held on the same day as the conference The Successes and Challenges of Energy Renovation of Buildings in the Republic of Croatia. At that occasion were presented examples of good practice and successful results of public calls for energy renovation of buildings financed by ESI funds, published so far in Croatia.  
