Working visit of Chinese delegation to the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning

On Monday, 25 September 2017, State Secretary Dunja Magaš and Assistant Minister Maja-Marija Nahod received a working visit of a Chinese delegation of six members led by Junkuo ZHANG, Vice President of the Development Research Center (DRC), who has the title of Deputy Minister.

It is a Chinese delegation of the Development Research Center (DRC), which operates directly under the State Council, or the Government of the People's Republic of China, respectively.

State Secretary Magaš informed the delegation of projects of the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, and the subject of further talks was the possible cooperation within the strategic project 'One Belt, One Road', with one of the goals being linking the infrastructure of Asia, Europe and Africa. In May 2017, the Government of the Republic of Croatia signed with the Chinese Government the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation under the “One Belt, One Road” project.

The meeting took place in a friendly atmosphere, and both sides voiced their wish for further deepening of the relationship.
