Two World Bank missions visited the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning

After the visit, on Tursday 12 April 2018, of the Doing Business Reform Mission led by Mr Todor Milchevski to the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning with the objective of an in-depth analysis of several topics covered by the Doing Business report and its reform, on 17 April 2018 State Secretary Danijel Meštrić received the visit of a second World Bank mission, the Data Collection Mission, led by Ms Joanna Nasr and mission member Ms Nicole Anouk Leger. Both meetings with the mission teams were also attended by Ms Andrea August, Assistant Director of the Agency for Investments and Competitiveness. 

The second mission visited the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning in the context of preparations for the next Doing Business report, as well as to respond to the Croatian comments on the methodology in Croatia. The objectives of this mission were to collect data on Doing Business indicators and to verify reforms in order to update the Doing Business 2019 report, which is envisaged to be published in October 2018.
