“Energy Renovation of Residential Buildings” conference

Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning is organizing the „Energy Renovation of Residential Buildings“ conference which will be held on Wednesday, 4 December 2019, at the International Hotel in Zagreb. The conference will present the new Call for submission of project proposals “Energy Renovation of Residential Buildings”.

The conference is primarily intended for managers and representatives of co-owners of residential buildings who are interested as potential applicants under the new Call. 

Deputy Prime Minister of Republic of Croatia and Minister of Construction and Physical Planning Predrag Štromar will commence the event, while representatives from Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds and Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund will address the participants during the introduction phase. 

At the conference Ministry will present its new plans for the upcoming multi-annual financial framework but will also present key elements of the new Call for energy renovation of residential buildings, whose announcement is planned in the first quarter of 2020. At the conference competent authorities and bodies will present their experiences and challenges in implementing projects as seen from their perspective, as well as positive experiences from beneficiaries of the 'Energy renovation of multi-apartment buildings' Call published in late 2016. Within this Call 584 projects were contracted, and over HRK 554 million of grants were awarded from European Regional Development Fund. 

Considering the new project proposal submission method in comparison to the previous Call, conference participants will learn about the eFunds IT system through which applicants will submit their project proposals. 

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