​Informal preparatory meetings on Territorial Agenda and Urban Agenda for EU

As part of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Zagreb hosted, on 21 and 22 of January 2020, first two informal meetings of technical working groups which were organized by Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, discussing and preparing the revision of Territorial Agenda 2020 and Urban Agenda for EU.

These working parties gather experts who discuss the revision of strategic documents in the context of territorial cohesion and urban development, but also do preparatory work for The Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) and Urban Development Group meetings which will be held in Zagreb on 25 and 26 of February 2020 and organized by the Ministry. Experts at these meetings and at this level discuss a thorough revision process of Territorial Agenda 2020 and further implementation of the Urban Agenda for EU, while the official and directors make further decisions on adopting the proposed revisions. 

Representatives from the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning chaired the meetings. Besides discussing the agendas, meetings were used as a platform to present the Ministries priorities during the Croatian Presidency of the Council of EU: Urban Green Infrastructure and Circular Management of Spaces and Buildings in urban areas. 

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