Business for Smart Cities Expocongress in Kiev

Representatives of the MCPP Ines Androić Brajčić, Head of Sector, and Sandra Momčilović, Head of Service, have participated at the Business for Smart Cities Expocongress, hosted by the city of Kiev, Ukraine.

The goal of the conference was to discuss sustainable housing and development of urban policies. Through examples of local renovation projects, Ukrainian representatives illustrated the need to tie in and develop methodologies for implementing sustainable development goal 11 and to define urban development indicators.

Presentations were held by UNECE representatives of the Department for Housing and Land Management from Ukraine and representatives of UN-HABITAT on the subject of „United smart cities“ and „Evidence-based policies to achieve Sustainable Development Goals“.

This global event gathers leaders from UNECE regions to define and try to find solutions to sustainable urban development through partnerships and project development.

MCPP, within the scope of its competence, follows the development of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, and in particular Goal 11 „ Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable“.

Goal 11 shall be implemented at the national level through the National Development Strategy 2030, and MCPP participates in the development of Goal 6: Green Croatia.

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