- Published: 12.06.2019.
Energy renovation of multi-apartment buildings continued
The Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning disseminates, on a monthly basis, by e-mail and by publication on the Ministry's website, its newsletter (Novosti) - bringing topical events and issues related to energy renovation of buildings co-financed from European Structural and Investment Funds.
In Split–Dalmatia County 29 multi-apartment buildings are renovated, with a total investment amounting to more than HRK 49,1 million under this Call, out of which grants from ERDF are more than HRK 27 million.
Good practice example under this Call is a multi-apartment building at the address StepinĨeva 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 in Split. Total value of this project is HRK 5.993.427,56, co-financing rate is 60% for eligible expenses, and grants amount to HRK 2.952.175,29 secured from ERDF.
By implementing this project annual energy savings of 68,67% were achieved, and the multi-apartment building shifted from energy class C to A. Other information on realization of this prject can be found in the table.

Good practice example under this Call is a multi-apartment building at the address StepinĨeva 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 in Split. Total value of this project is HRK 5.993.427,56, co-financing rate is 60% for eligible expenses, and grants amount to HRK 2.952.175,29 secured from ERDF.
By implementing this project annual energy savings of 68,67% were achieved, and the multi-apartment building shifted from energy class C to A. Other information on realization of this prject can be found in the table.