National Housing Policy Plan to be adopted in February

Minister of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets Branko Bačić said in Split on Tuesday that the National Housing Policy Plan for the period until 2030 will be adopted in February, and with it the Croatian government wants to improve the resolution of housing issues for young families.

"One of the first measures from this national plan that we will start implementing is the refund of real estate tax for young people under the age of 45, as well as a 50% refund of VAT on the purchase of newly built real estate," Bačić said.

In Split, the minister participated in a round table hosted by the HDZ candidate for the mayor of Split, Tomislav Šuta, which discussed resolving housing issues.

Bačić also announced the adoption of two affordable housing programmes. According to him, the first programme will enable young families to move into flats owned by the Republic of Croatia at an affordable rent.

"The second affordable housing programme concerns flats in private ownership, and I invite fellow citizens who have been keeping their flats empty for a long time to entrust them to the Real Estate Agency, which will rent out these flats on their behalf, and they will be paid the entire amount of rent for the period for which the flats were rented in two installments," added Bačić.

He pointed out that local government units should develop local housing plans, once the National Housing Policy Plan is adopted in February, which also envisages the construction of housing estates with affordable housing flats throughout Croatia.

He also mentioned that a decision had already been made to build a building in Križine in Split that will serve to solve the problems of protected tenants.

"As of 1 July, the process of moving out protected tenants from flats in private ownership will begin so that they do not end up on the street, and we are preparing flats for them in the Split area that are owned by the Republic of Croatia. However, even these flats will not be enough, so a building will be built in Križine to solve the problem of protected tenants," said Bačić.

HDZ candidate for Split mayor Šuta warned that affordable housing was one of the biggest problems in the Split area.

According to him, in Split's model of solving housing problems, there is a possibility that those who receive flats for affordable housing and rent them will be able to buy the flat, with the rent counting towards the purchase of the flat.

"This allows young people who are not creditworthy to solve their housing issue," said Šuta.

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