First 32 grant agreements signed under the Call for 'Energy renovation of multi-residential buildings'

Photo /EUFondovi/fotografije/2017_07_11-press-4.jpg
At the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning a press conference was held by the minister of construction and physical planning Predrag Štomar, and the acting director of the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency prof. Ljubomir Majdandžić, PhD, on occasion of signing of the first agreements on grant funds under the Call for 'Energy renovation of multi-residential buildings'.

32 agreements were signed under which more than 66 million kuna of grant funds shall be allocated from the European Regional Development Fund.
Minister Štromar, presenting the results of the Call, pointed out that the amount of the total investment exceeded one billion kuna, out of which more than 560 million kuna are grant funds from the European Regional Development Fund. He also added that a total of 649 applications were received, with 596 applications meeting the prescribed criteria.
Ljubomir Majdandžić, acting director of the Fund, pointed out that the project proposals’ compliance with the prescribed criteria amounted to a high 92%: 'Such a high degree of meeting the requirements resulted to a significant extent from the role of the Fund as provider of technical assistance that was available to applicants when preparing their project proposals. The procedure of application and allocation of funds differs in view of the EU co-financing, therefore particular attention was paid to all details and we achieved, together with the applicants, an excellent result. Now an 18-months period is starting, during which these projects have to be realised and the planned savings achieved, to the satisfaction of all co-owners' the acting director pointed out.
To remind, on 17 October 2016 the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning launched the call for submission of project proposals for 'Energy renovation of multi-residential buildings', which was closed for applications on 31 January 2017. The purpose of the Call is implementation of energy efficiency measures and use of renewable energy sources in multi-residential buildings, which is to result, through an integrated approach, in a reduction of energy consumption for heating/cooling. Under this Call a total amount of funds in the value of 152 000 000 kuna is foreseen from the ERDF, and these funds were increased, upon approval by the Management Body, in order to enable co-financing of all applications that meet the eligibility criteria, in a total amount of ca. 560 million kuna.

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