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PromoArh - Construction Trade Fair
PromoArh – 1. International Construction Trade Fair is the first specialised event of this kind that was held in Poreč from 18 to 21 September this year. The Ministry was involved in the event through the participation of State Secretary Željko Uhlir, M.Sc., who delivered a presentation on the topic of "Property valuation", while Assistant Minister Assist.Prof. Maja-Marija Nahod, Ph.D., participated in the panel discussion "(Re)animation of the construction industry under public sector support". 
25.09.2019. | News
Energy renovation of buildings with funds from ESI Funds The Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning disseminates, on a monthly basis, by e-mail and by publication on the Ministry's website, its newsletter (Novosti)  - bringing topical events and issues related to energy renovation of buildings co-financed from European Structural and Investment Funds. 25.09.2019. | News | Information | Energy renovation - ESI Funds
International urban planning and arch. competition Europan 15
On 15 September 2019, at the premises of the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, the first round of assessment of entries submitted for the Ždrijac settlement in Nin was held. The entries for the preparation of the conceptual urban planning and architectural design for the site of the Ždrijac settlement in Nin were received under the international urban planning and architectural competition announced by the Ministry in March 2019.
18.09.2019. | News
Applications for subsidised home loans start from September 10
(HINA) Construction and Physical Planning Minister Predrag Stromar said on Tuesday that a new round of applications would be invited on Wednesday for home loan subsidies for people aged under 45 who do not own a house or a flat and that it would be possible to submit applications from September 10, while two more rounds of applications would be invited in March and September 2020.
13.08.2019. | News
POS goes on, one thousand new apartments by 2021
Housing construction under the POS programme is a programme, recognised long ago, of housing provision to young families that obtain, for a price lower than the market price per square meter, security and quality construction of their home. To date, under the POS programme, more than eight thousand apartments have been built, with four billion kuna invested.
24.07.2019. | News
A new round of applications for subsidies starting from autumn
In early September the young will again have an opportunity to apply for subsidised housing loans – an aid measure by which citizens are facilitated in housing provision through the repayment of part of the housing loan during the first five years of loan repayment. To date, by this housing provision measure, more than 5300 families have secured their home, and in these families almost 700 children have been born.
24.07.2019. | News
Inaugural visit by H.E. Xu Erwen to Minister Predrag Štromar
On 23 July 2019, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Predrag Štromar received on inaugural visit H.E. Xu Erwen, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China, accompanied by Mr Liu Kai, Economic and Commercial Counsellor and Ms Zhang Ping, second secretary of the Embassy. Besides the Minister, the meeting was attended by Ms Jelena Zrinski Berger, General Secretary of the Ministry. 
24.07.2019. | News
London: „Building a better and more sustainable future for cities “
During early July in London, as part of the London Climate Action Week 2019, “Building a better and more sustainable future for cities” conference was held, organized by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
10.07.2019. | News | Information | Energy renovation - ESI Funds
Conference: „Sustainable energy development in Velika Gorica City“
In early June 2019, as part of the Sustainable Construction Energy Week, City Office for Environmental Protection of Velika Gorica in cooperation with Croatian Green Building Council organized the conference: “Sustainable energy development in Velika Gorica City”.
28.06.2019. | News | Information | Energy renovation - ESI Funds
Energy renovation of multi-apartment buildings continuedThe Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning disseminates, on a monthly basis, by e-mail and by publication on the Ministry's website, its newsletter (Novosti)  - bringing topical events and issues related to energy renovation of buildings co-financed from European Structural and Investment Funds. 12.06.2019. | News | Information | Energy renovation - ESI Funds