Pilot Project 4c1.2 'Energy renovation of buildings and use of renewable energy sources in public institutions performing educational activities'

Status: Call closed April 28, 2016

On 19 June 2015, the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, as Intermediate Body Level 1 within the system of ESI funds management and use, launched the Pilot Project 4c1.2 'Energy renovation of buildings and use of renewable energy sources in public institutions performing educational activities'.

The Pilot Project was targeted at execution of energy renovation works to achieve energy savings, that is, to reduce energy consumption in buildings of public institutions performing educational activities and to foresee the use of renewable energy sources.

Under this Call grants in the amount of HRK 50 000 000 were allocated from the European Regional Development Fund and the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund.

On 15 December 2015, the Pilot Project was temporarily suspended to review the received project proposals, in view of the high number of project proposals submitted, as much as 209, whereby the allocation was exceeded by several times.

On 15 April 2016, receipt of project proposals under the Call was continued under equal conditions, as HRK 24 million of the initial grant allocation was left for co-financing until exhaustion of available funding.

In addition to the public consultation that was carried out shortly before the launching of the Pilot Project, we prepared for potential applicants a review of the most frequent questions and answers and organised a series of information and implementation workshops.  

We also had continuous communication with national and local media, held seven press conferences, and kept the general public informed via the website of the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning. Furthermore, in order to have energy renovation of buildings of educational public institutions promoted in an optimal way, we prepared brochures, leaflets, folders, penguins and posters, and we also attended major thematic events such as the EU Funds Week, various conferences, and marking of energy efficiency weeks or days all over our country.

Under the Pilot Call 4c1.2 'Energy renovation of buildings and use of renewable energy sources in public institutions performing educational activities', 33 GRANT AGREEEMENTS WERE SIGNED, for a total contracted value of HRK 73.11 million, out of which HRK 19.27 million were EU grants, and HRK 30.73 million were national funds.

Whilst the Pilot Project was targeted at achieving 20% energy savings, these savings were significantly increased by an average percentage of 53.35%.

Most projects included integral renovation measures regarding the building envelope, thermal-technical systems and electrical systems.

It is important to note that as much as 30% of applied projects envisaged achieving energy savings exceeding 70%, and upgrading into a higher energy class, thereby confirming the cost-effectiveness and fitness for purpose of the realised investments in energy renovation works. The Call’s objective is to improve the standard of use of public buildings by creating a more pleasant and healthier environment for the citizens and users of public premises.