Principles of utility management

In implementing the Utility Management Act, local self-government units and persons who perform utility activities proceed in accordance with the principles that utility management is based on, and those are: 

1. Protection of public interest 
In adopting and implementing utility infrastructure construction programmes and utility infrastructure maintenance programmes, local self-government units are committed to respect public interest and enable the realization and protection of individual interests in a way that is not contrary to and not to the detriment of the public interest. 

2. Proportionate benefits 
Building land owners or the investors are committed to contribute to the construction and maintenance of utility infrastructure by paying public which are proportionate to the benefits they gain by using developed building land, i.e., by the construction of utility infrastructure, in compliance with the solidarity principle. 

3. Solidarity 
Funding of the construction and maintenance of utility infrastructure is based on the principle of solidarity in the settlement of costs in the territory of local self-government units. 

4. Public service 
Utility activities are performed as a public service, and the services provided in the performance of these activities are of general interest. 

5. Non-profitability 
Utility activities are not carried out for the purpose of obtaining profit, but for ensuring the delivery of utility services to users according to the principles of the Utility management as prescribed by the Utility Management Act.  

6. Subsidiarity 
The performance of utility activities and the delivery of utility services is ensured on the level closest to the users. 

7. Universality and equality of access 
Access, availability and use of utility services is provided to all users under equal and non-discriminatory conditions. 

8. Adaptability 
Delivery of utility services is done in a manner and under conditions that are tailored to local community needs. 

9. Continuity of performing utility activities 
Utility activities are performed on a continuous basis in a manner that ensures the maintenance of the utility infrastructure in the state of functional operability for the continuous supply of utility services, with the possibility of declining delivery of utility services to users only in exceptional and justified cases. 

10. Quality of performing utility activities 
Utility activities are performed according to the quality standards for utility services provision prescribed by special regulations. 

11. Economy and efficiency 
In performing utility activities, providers of utility services are committed to proceed in an efficient, cost-effective and purposeful manner with the least cost to the user (principle of economy and efficiency). 

12. Protection of users, space, environment and cultural goods 
Development of building land by construction of utility infrastructure and the provision of utility activities is ensured under the most acceptable conditions for the life and health of utility services users and the most acceptable conditions for space, environment, cultural goods and sustainable development. 

13. Security 
Utility services suppliers are committed to deliver utility services to users in a manner that cannot harm their property, rights, and legal interests.  

14. Public 
Utility services suppliers are committed to ensure transparency of their work to the public and to provide utility service users access to information that are important for the delivery of utility services and their participation in decision-making in utility management. 

15. Price acceptability of utility services 
Prices of utility services are set to ensure the gradual recovery of the costs of construction and maintenance of utility infrastructure and of performance of utility activities, taking into account that they are socially viable for the population and respecting consumer rights protection in accordance with special regulations. 

16. Protection of vulnerable categories of citizens  
Local self-government units are committed to ensure the delivery of utility services to vulnerable groups of population in their territory, and to cover utility costs from budget funds in accordance with special social welfare regulations.